Dialling Code 039825


The german phone code 039825 represents Wokuhl-Dabelow in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


Different spellings of the Phone Code 039825

  • 039825
  • (039825)
  • 039825-
  • 039825/
  • +4939825
  • +49 (39825)
  • +49-39825
  • +49 (0) 39825
  • 004939825
  • 0049 (0) 39825



Calling from abroad to Wokuhl-Dabelow

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Wokuhl-Dabelow. So you can dial +4939825... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Wokuhl-Dabelow?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 03981
Godendorf bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 033089
Dialling Code 039820
Dialling Code 033093
Fürstenberg / Havel
Dialling Code 03981
Grünow bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 033087
Dialling Code 03981
Dialling Code 039826
Blankensee bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 03981
Dialling Code 03981
Möllenbeck bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 039832
Wustrow bei Wesenberg
Dialling Code 039832
Wesenberg, Mecklenburg
Dialling Code 039831
Feldberger Seenlandschaft
Dialling Code 039603
Cammin bei Neubrandenburg
Dialling Code 039824
Dialling Code 033082
Menz, Kreis Oberhavel
Dialling Code 039605
Groß Nemerow
Dialling Code 03306
Dialling Code 039829
Dialling Code 039603
Teschendorf bei Neubrandenburg
Dialling Code 03981
Klein Vielen
Dialling Code 033080
Marienthal, Kreis Oberhavel
Dialling Code 039833
Roggentin bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 03962
Groß Vielen
Dialling Code 039603
Burg Stargard
Dialling Code 03962
Penzlin bei Waren
Dialling Code 033083
Schulzendorf, Kreis Oberhavel
Dialling Code 03962
Krukow, Mecklenburg
Dialling Code 03306
Sonnenberg bei Gransee
Dialling Code 03306
Schönermark bei Gransee
Dialling Code 039883
Groß Dölln
Dialling Code 03962