Dialling Code 039833


The area code (phone code) 039833 is assigned to 2 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Mirow, Mecklenburg (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).

Mirow, Mecklenburg

All places (2) with the dialling code 039833

Dialling Code City
039833 Mirow, Mecklenburg
039833 Roggentin bei Neustrelitz

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 039833

  • 039833
  • (039833)
  • 039833-
  • 039833/
  • +4939833
  • +49 (39833)
  • +49-39833
  • +49 (0) 39833
  • 004939833
  • 0049 (0) 39833


Calling from abroad to Mirow, Mecklenburg

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Mirow, Mecklenburg. So you can dial +4939833... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Mirow, Mecklenburg?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 039823
Schwarz bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 039832
Wesenberg, Mecklenburg
Dialling Code 039829
Dialling Code 039832
Wustrow bei Wesenberg
Dialling Code 039823
Buchholz bei Röbel
Dialling Code 033923
Flecken Zechlin
Dialling Code 033921
Dialling Code 039931
Röbel / Müritz
Dialling Code 039931
Kambs bei Röbel
Dialling Code 03981
Dialling Code 039925
Dialling Code 039921
Dialling Code 033082
Menz, Kreis Oberhavel
Dialling Code 03981
Klein Vielen
Dialling Code 039931
Groß Kelle
Dialling Code 03991
Groß Dratow
Dialling Code 03981
Godendorf bei Neustrelitz
Dialling Code 03991
Klink bei Waren
Dialling Code 033093
Fürstenberg / Havel
Dialling Code 033089
Dialling Code 039928
Dialling Code 03962
Groß Vielen
Dialling Code 03981
Dialling Code 039931
Dialling Code 03394
Wittstock / Dosse