Dialling Code 04121


The area code (phone code) 04121 is assigned to 7 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Elmshorn (Schleswig-Holstein).


All places (7) with the dialling code 04121

Dialling Code City
04121 Elmshorn
04121 Klein Nordende
04121 Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop
04121 Kölln-Reisiek
04121 Kiebitzreihe
04121 Seeth-Ekholt
04121 Raa-Besenbek

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04121

  • 04121
  • (04121)
  • 04121-
  • 04121/
  • +494121
  • +49 (4121)
  • +49-4121
  • +49 (0) 4121
  • 00494121
  • 0049 (0) 4121


Calling from abroad to Elmshorn

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Elmshorn. So you can dial +494121... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Elmshorn?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04122
Dialling Code 04122
Groß Nordende
Dialling Code 04126
Horst (Holstein)
Dialling Code 04123
Dialling Code 04123
Dialling Code 04124
Neuendorf bei Elmshorn
Dialling Code 04125
Dialling Code 04123
Groß Offenseth-Aspern
Dialling Code 04123
Bevern, Holstein
Dialling Code 04122
Moorrege bei Uetersen
Dialling Code 04126
Hohenfelde bei Elmshorn
Dialling Code 04122
Neuendeich bei Uetersen
Dialling Code 04127
Dialling Code 04126
Dialling Code 04127
Dialling Code 04123
Heede bei Barmstedt
Dialling Code 04101
Appen, Kreis Pinneberg
Dialling Code 04101
Kummerfeld bei Pinneberg
Dialling Code 04824
Rethwisch bei Lägerdorf
Dialling Code 04127
Bokel bei Elmshorn
Dialling Code 04124
Herzhorn, Holstein
Dialling Code 04101
Dialling Code 04103
Holm, Kreis Pinneberg
Dialling Code 04824
Neuenbrook, Holstein
Dialling Code 04124
Engelbrechtsche Wildnis
Dialling Code 04828
Dialling Code 04824
Krempe, Holstein