Dialling Code 05442


The area code (phone code) 05442 is assigned to 3 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz (Niedersachsen).

Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz

All places (3) with the dialling code 05442

Dialling Code City
05442 Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz
05442 Eydelstedt
05442 Drentwede

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 05442

  • 05442
  • (05442)
  • 05442-
  • 05442/
  • +495442
  • +49 (5442)
  • +49-5442
  • +49 (0) 5442
  • 00495442
  • 0049 (0) 5442


Calling from abroad to Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz. So you can dial +495442... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Barnstorf, Kreis Diepholz?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 05446
Dickel, Kreis Diepholz
Dialling Code 04246
Dialling Code 04444
Goldenstedt, Kreis Vechta
Dialling Code 05446
Rehden, Kreis Diepholz
Dialling Code 04243
Dialling Code 04253
Asendorf (Kreis Diepholz)
Dialling Code 05448
Freistatt bei Sulingen
Dialling Code 04275
Ehrenburg bei Sulingen
Dialling Code 04244
Dialling Code 04445
Visbek, Kreis Vechta
Dialling Code 04274
Varrel bei Sulingen
Dialling Code 04431
Dialling Code 04447
Dialling Code 04442
Lohne (Oldenburg)
Dialling Code 04245
Neuenkirchen bei Bassum
Dialling Code 04277
Scholen bei Sulingen
Dialling Code 04446
Bakum, Kreis Vechta
Dialling Code 05774
Dialling Code 05443
Hüde bei Diepholz
Dialling Code 04277
Dialling Code 05776
Preußisch Ströhen
Dialling Code 04273
Barenburg bei Sulingen
Dialling Code 05492
Steinfeld (Oldenburg)
Dialling Code 05443
Marl, Dümmer
Dialling Code 04433
Dialling Code 04244
Dünsen bei Bassum
Dialling Code 04244
Dialling Code 05443
Quernheim bei Diepholz
Dialling Code 04432