Dialling Code 04825


The area code (phone code) 04825 is assigned to 8 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Burg (Dithmarschen) (Schleswig-Holstein).

Burg (Dithmarschen)

All places (8) with the dialling code 04825

Dialling Code City
04825 Burg (Dithmarschen)
04825 Hochdonn
04825 Buchholz, Dithmarschen
04825 Kuden
04825 Großenrade
04825 Brickeln
04825 Quickborn, Dithmarschen
04825 Aebtissinwisch

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04825

  • 04825
  • (04825)
  • 04825-
  • 04825/
  • +494825
  • +49 (4825)
  • +49-4825
  • +49 (0) 4825
  • 00494825
  • 0049 (0) 4825


Calling from abroad to Burg (Dithmarschen)

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Burg (Dithmarschen). So you can dial +494825... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Burg (Dithmarschen)?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04830
Eggstedt, Holstein
Dialling Code 04892
Dialling Code 04830
Süderhastedt, Holstein
Dialling Code 04823
Dialling Code 04892
Dialling Code 04823
Nortorf bei Wilster
Dialling Code 04823
Landscheide bei Sankt Margarethen
Dialling Code 04805
Schafstedt, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04892
Vaale, Holstein
Dialling Code 04827
Nutteln, Holstein
Dialling Code 04823
Moorhusen bei Wilster
Dialling Code 04823
Büttel, Westholstein
Dialling Code 04853
Dingen, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04853
Sankt Michaelisdonn
Dialling Code 04858
Sankt Margarethen
Dialling Code 04835
Dialling Code 04859
Dialling Code 04859
Gudendorf, Holstein
Dialling Code 04872
Bornholt, Holstein
Dialling Code 04394
Bokhorst bei Schenefeld
Dialling Code 04823
Kleve bei Itzehoe
Dialling Code 04827
Nienbüttel bei Wacken
Dialling Code 04832
Dialling Code 04872
Bendorf, Holstein
Dialling Code 04821
Dialling Code 04806
Dialling Code 04823
Bekdorf bei Wilster
Dialling Code 04832