Dialling Code 04107


The area code (phone code) 04107 is assigned to 3 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Hoisdorf (Schleswig-Holstein).


All places (3) with the dialling code 04107

Dialling Code City
04107 Hoisdorf
04107 Siek, Kreis Stormarn
04107 Brunsbek

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04107

  • 04107
  • (04107)
  • 04107-
  • 04107/
  • +494107
  • +49 (4107)
  • +49-4107
  • +49 (0) 4107
  • 00494107
  • 0049 (0) 4107


Calling from abroad to Hoisdorf

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Hoisdorf. So you can dial +494107... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Hoisdorf?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04154
Dialling Code 04102
Dialling Code 04154
Großensee, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04532
Todendorf, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04154
Grönwohld, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04532
Hammoor bei Ahrensburg
Dialling Code 04534
Steinburg, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04154
Rausdorf, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04102
Dialling Code 040
Braak bei Hamburg
Dialling Code 04532
Dialling Code 04536
Schönberg (Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg)
Dialling Code 04154
Dialling Code 04531
Lasbek, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04532
Dialling Code 04532
Dialling Code 040
Stapelfeld, Bezirk Hamburg
Dialling Code 04154
Hamfelde in Holstein (Kreis Stormarn)
Dialling Code 04151
Hamfelde (Herzogtum Lauenburg)
Dialling Code 04536
Wentorf (Amt Sandesneben)
Dialling Code 04151
Kasseburg bei Trittau
Dialling Code 04154
Hohenfelde, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04536
Stubben bei Bad Oldesloe
Dialling Code 04536
Dialling Code 040
Dialling Code 04532
Elmenhorst, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04104
Aumühle bei Hamburg
Dialling Code 04531
Pölitz, Kreis Stormarn
Dialling Code 04536
Dialling Code 04151
Basthorst, Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg
Dialling Code 04151
Dialling Code 04536
Dialling Code 04536
Steinhorst, Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg
Dialling Code 04536
Groß Boden
Dialling Code 04531
Neritz bei Bad Oldesloe
Dialling Code 04159
Köthel (Herzogtum Lauenburg)