Dialling Code 036205


The area code (phone code) 036205 is assigned to 5 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Gräfenroda (Thüringen).


All places (5) with the dialling code 036205

Dialling Code City
036205 Gräfenroda
036205 Geschwenda
036205 Frankenhain, Thüringen
036205 Gossel
036205 Liebenstein bei Arnstadt

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 036205

  • 036205
  • (036205)
  • 036205-
  • 036205/
  • +4936205
  • +49 (36205)
  • +49-36205
  • +49 (0) 36205
  • 004936205
  • 0049 (0) 36205


Calling from abroad to Gräfenroda

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Gräfenroda. So you can dial +4936205... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Gräfenroda?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 036257
Luisenthal, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036842
Oberhof, Thüringen
Dialling Code 03677
Dialling Code 03677
Martinroda bei Ilmenau
Dialling Code 036207
Plaue, Thüringen
Dialling Code 03677
Ilmenau, Thüringen
Dialling Code 03624
Gräfenhain, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036256
Mühlberg bei Gotha
Dialling Code 036253
Georgenthal / Thüringer Wald
Dialling Code 036253
Herrenhof bei Gotha
Dialling Code 03628
Dialling Code 036253
Hohenkirchen bei Gotha
Dialling Code 036784
Dialling Code 036782
Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig
Dialling Code 036847
Oberschönau, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036256
Schwabhausen bei Gotha
Dialling Code 036252
Tambach-Dietharz / Thüringer Wald
Dialling Code 03682
Dialling Code 036847
Bermbach bei Schmalkalden
Dialling Code 036256
Dialling Code 036256
Dialling Code 036200
Dornheim bei Arnstadt
Dialling Code 03677
Dialling Code 036846
Dialling Code 036847
Unterschönau bei Schmalkalden
Dialling Code 036208
Dialling Code 036256
Seebergen bei Gotha
Dialling Code 036783
Gehren, Thüringen
Dialling Code 036847
Kurort Steinbach-Hallenberg