Dialling Code 08869


The area code (phone code) 08869 is assigned to 3 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Rott, Lech (Bayern).

Rott, Lech

All places (3) with the dialling code 08869

Dialling Code City
08869 Rott, Lech
08869 Apfeldorf
08869 Kinsau

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 08869

  • 08869
  • (08869)
  • 08869-
  • 08869/
  • +498869
  • +49 (8869)
  • +49-8869
  • +49 (0) 8869
  • 00498869
  • 0049 (0) 8869


Calling from abroad to Rott, Lech

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Rott, Lech. So you can dial +498869... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Rott, Lech?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 08194
Reichling, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08809
Dialling Code 08194
Dialling Code 08861
Dialling Code 08243
Denklingen, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08807
Raisting, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08805
Dialling Code 08807
Dießen am Ammersee
Dialling Code 08861
Altenstadt bei Schongau
Dialling Code 08243
Fuchstal bei Landsberg am Lech
Dialling Code 08196
Hofstetten, Kreis Landsberg am Lech
Dialling Code 08868
Schwabbruck im Auerbergland
Dialling Code 08868
Dialling Code 08803
Dialling Code 08243
Dialling Code 0881
Dialling Code 0881
Weilheim in Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08191
Dialling Code 08868
Ingenried bei Schongau
Dialling Code 08345
Kaltental, Schwaben
Dialling Code 08806
Utting am Ammersee
Dialling Code 08344
Dialling Code 08867
Rottenbuch, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08191
Landsberg am Lech
Dialling Code 08246
Waal, Schwaben
Dialling Code 08802
Oberhausen, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08192
Schondorf am Ammersee
Dialling Code 08193
Windach, Kreis Landsberg am Lech
Dialling Code 08348
Bidingen, Schwaben
Dialling Code 08345
Dialling Code 08344
Westendorf bei Kaufbeuren
Dialling Code 08191
Penzing im Auerbergland
Dialling Code 08152
Herrsching am Ammersee
Dialling Code 08192
Greifenberg, Ammersee