Dialling Code 08705


The area code (phone code) 08705 is assigned to 2 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Altfraunhofen (Bayern).


All places (2) with the dialling code 08705

Dialling Code City
08705 Altfraunhofen
08705 Baierbach, Niederbayern

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 08705

  • 08705
  • (08705)
  • 08705-
  • 08705/
  • +498705
  • +49 (8705)
  • +49-8705
  • +49 (0) 8705
  • 00498705
  • 0049 (0) 8705


Calling from abroad to Altfraunhofen

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Altfraunhofen. So you can dial +498705... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Altfraunhofen?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 08742
Dialling Code 0871
Dialling Code 08743
Geisenhausen, Niederbayern
Dialling Code 08709
Tiefenbach (Kreis Landshut)
Dialling Code 08084
Dialling Code 08709
Buch am Erlbach
Dialling Code 0871
Landshut, Isar
Dialling Code 08709
Eching, Niederbayern
Dialling Code 08084
Steinkirchen, Holzland
Dialling Code 08762
Kirchberg, Holzland
Dialling Code 08084
Taufkirchen (Vils)
Dialling Code 08742
Velden, Vils
Dialling Code 0871
Altdorf, Markt
Dialling Code 08084
Inning am Holz
Dialling Code 08707
Adlkofen bei Landshut, Isar
Dialling Code 0871
Dialling Code 08741
Dialling Code 08704
Dialling Code 08762
Wartenberg, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08762
Dialling Code 08765
Bruckberg, Niederbayern
Dialling Code 08762
Fraunberg, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08086
Buchbach, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08764
Wang, Isar
Dialling Code 08761
Moosburg an der Isar
Dialling Code 08703
Essenbach, Niederbayern
Dialling Code 08745
Dialling Code 08704
Furth, Kreis Landshut
Dialling Code 08081
Dorfen, Stadt
Dialling Code 08744
Schalkham bei Gerzen
Dialling Code 08702
Dialling Code 08766
Dialling Code 08122
Bockhorn, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08082
Dialling Code 08744
Gerzen, Vils
Dialling Code 08083
Lengdorf, Oberbayern
Dialling Code 08082
Dialling Code 08764
Mauern, Kreis Freising
Dialling Code 08122
Eitting, Kreis Erding