Dialling Code 07822


The area code (phone code) 07822 is assigned to 4 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Ettenheim (Baden-Württemberg).


All places (4) with the dialling code 07822

Dialling Code City
07822 Ettenheim
07822 Kappel-Grafenhausen
07822 Rust (Baden)
07822 Ringsheim

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 07822

  • 07822
  • (07822)
  • 07822-
  • 07822/
  • +497822
  • +49 (7822)
  • +49-7822
  • +49 (0) 7822
  • 00497822
  • 0049 (0) 7822


Calling from abroad to Ettenheim

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Ettenheim. So you can dial +497822... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Ettenheim?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 07825
Mahlberg (Baden)
Dialling Code 07643
Herbolzheim (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07825
Dialling Code 07643
Rheinhausen (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07644
Dialling Code 07826
Dialling Code 07821
Lahr / Schwarzwald
Dialling Code 07646
Weisweil (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07642
Riegel am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07823
Seelbach (Schutter)
Dialling Code 07642
Forchheim (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07821
Friesenheim (Baden)
Dialling Code 07641
Dialling Code 07642
Endingen am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07663
Bahlingen am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07642
Wyhl am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07824
Meißenheim (Baden)
Dialling Code 07682
Biederbach (Schwarzwald)
Dialling Code 07641
Reute (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07832
Steinach (Baden)
Dialling Code 07663
Eichstetten am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07835
Biberach (Baden)
Dialling Code 07685
Gutach im Breisgau
Dialling Code 07832
Hofstetten (Kinzigtal)
Dialling Code 07808
Hohberg bei Offenburg
Dialling Code 07663
Dialling Code 07666
Dialling Code 07681
Waldkirch (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07642
Sasbach am Kaiserstuhl
Dialling Code 07666
Dialling Code 07803
Dialling Code 07832
Haslach im Kinzigtal
Dialling Code 07682
Winden im Elztal
Dialling Code 07807
Neuried (Ortenaukreis)
Dialling Code 07665
March (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 0761
Gundelfingen (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 0781
Dialling Code 07835
Zell am Harmersbach
Dialling Code 07803