Dialling Code 07673


The area code (phone code) 07673 is assigned to 11 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Schönau im Schwarzwald (Baden-Württemberg).

Schönau im Schwarzwald

All places (11) with the dialling code 07673

Dialling Code City
07673 Schönau im Schwarzwald
07673 Utzenfeld
07673 Wieslet
07673 Wieden (Schwarzwald)
07673 Aitern
07673 Fröhnd (Schwarzwald)
07673 Schönenberg (Schwarzwald)
07673 Neuenweg
07673 Wembach (Schwarzwald)
07673 Tunau (Schwarzwald)
07673 Böllen

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 07673

  • 07673
  • (07673)
  • 07673-
  • 07673/
  • +497673
  • +49 (7673)
  • +49-7673
  • +49 (0) 7673
  • 00497673
  • 0049 (0) 7673


Calling from abroad to Schönau im Schwarzwald

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Schönau im Schwarzwald. So you can dial +497673... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Schönau im Schwarzwald?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 07625
Dialling Code 07629
Dialling Code 07620
Dialling Code 07625
Zell im Wiesental
Dialling Code 07675
Bernau im Schwarzwald
Dialling Code 07629
Tegernau (Baden)
Dialling Code 07629
Wies (Schwarzwald)
Dialling Code 07622
Hausen im Wiesental
Dialling Code 07636
Münstertal / Schwarzwald
Dialling Code 07672
Ibach, Schwarzwald
Dialling Code 07764
Dialling Code 07622
Dialling Code 039831
Feldberg (Schwarzwald)
Dialling Code 07626
Dialling Code 07634
Sulzburg (Baden)
Dialling Code 07762
Wehr (Baden)
Dialling Code 0761
Horben (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07602
Oberried (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07633
Dialling Code 07632
Dialling Code 07633
Staufen im Breisgau
Dialling Code 0761
Sölden (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07672
Dachsberg (Südschwarzwald)
Dialling Code 07634
Dialling Code 07655
Dialling Code 07672
Sankt Blasien
Dialling Code 07633
Dialling Code 0761
Au (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07765
Rickenbach (Hotzenw.)
Dialling Code 0761
Wittnau (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07627
Steinen (Kreis Lörrach)
Dialling Code 07762
Dialling Code 07664
Pfaffenweiler (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07652
Dialling Code 07661
Kirchzarten (Breisgau)
Dialling Code 07664
Ebringen (Breisgau)