Dialling Code 06563


The area code (phone code) 06563 is assigned to 19 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Badem (Rheinland-Pfalz).


All places (19) with the dialling code 06563

Dialling Code City
06563 Badem
06563 Kyllburg
06563 Neidenbach
06563 Malberg, Eifel
06563 Burbach, Eifel
06563 Malbergweich
06563 Gindorf, Eifel
06563 Gransdorf
06563 Sankt Thomas, Eifel
06563 Pickließem
06563 Neuheilenbach
06563 Steinborn, Eifel
06563 Wilsecker
06563 Seinsfeld
06563 Orsfeld
06563 Zendscheid
06563 Kyllburgweiler
06563 Usch
06563 Etteldorf

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 06563

  • 06563
  • (06563)
  • 06563-
  • 06563/
  • +496563
  • +49 (6563)
  • +49-6563
  • +49 (0) 6563
  • 00496563
  • 0049 (0) 6563


Calling from abroad to Badem

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Badem. So you can dial +496563... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Badem?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 06561
Gondorf bei Bitburg
Dialling Code 06561
Hüttingen an der Kyll
Dialling Code 06565
Dialling Code 06562
Dialling Code 06562
Speicher, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06571
Binsfeld bei Wittlich
Dialling Code 06572
Schwarzenborn, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06561
Dahlem bei Bitburg
Dialling Code 06561
Rittersdorf, Eifel
Dialling Code 06572
Dialling Code 06569
Bickendorf, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06562
Auw an der Kyll
Dialling Code 06561
Ließem, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Eßlingen, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06561
Dialling Code 06575
Landscheid, Eifel
Dialling Code 06561
Schleid bei Bitburg
Dialling Code 06561
Wiersdorf, Eifel