Dialling Code 06405


The german phone code 06405 represents Laubach, Hessen in Hessen.

Laubach, Hessen

Different spellings of the Phone Code 06405

  • 06405
  • (06405)
  • 06405-
  • 06405/
  • +496405
  • +49 (6405)
  • +49-6405
  • +49 (0) 6405
  • 00496405
  • 0049 (0) 6405

Laubach, Hessen


Calling from abroad to Laubach, Hessen

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Laubach, Hessen. So you can dial +496405... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Laubach, Hessen?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 06401
Grünberg / Hessen
Dialling Code 06404
Lich, Hessen
Dialling Code 06044
Schotten, Hessen
Dialling Code 06408
Reiskirchen, Wieseck
Dialling Code 06634
Gemünden (Felda)
Dialling Code 06407
Rabenau, Hessen
Dialling Code 06645
Dialling Code 06407
Allendorf (Lumda)
Dialling Code 06033
Dialling Code 06004
Dialling Code 06633
Homberg (Ohm)
Dialling Code 06045
Hirzenhain, Wetteraukreis
Dialling Code 06036
Dialling Code 06424
Dialling Code 06046
Ortenberg, Hessen
Dialling Code 06033
Dialling Code 06035
Reichelsheim (Wetterau)
Dialling Code 06643
Lautertal (Vogelsberg)
Dialling Code 06406
Staufenberg, Hessen
Dialling Code 06630
Dialling Code 06403
Linden, Hessen
Dialling Code 0641
Gießen, Lahn
Dialling Code 06032
Bad Nauheim
Dialling Code 0641
Wettenberg, Hessen
Dialling Code 06426
Fronhausen, Lahn
Dialling Code 06031
Friedberg (Hessen)
Dialling Code 0641
Heuchelheim, Kreis Gießen