Dialling Code 05841


The area code (phone code) 05841 is assigned to 4 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Lüchow (Wendland) (Niedersachsen).

Lüchow (Wendland)

All places (4) with the dialling code 05841

Dialling Code City
05841 Lüchow (Wendland)
05841 Wustrow (Wendland)
05841 Küsten
05841 Woltersdorf, Niedersachsen

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 05841

  • 05841
  • (05841)
  • 05841-
  • 05841/
  • +495841
  • +49 (5841)
  • +49-5841
  • +49 (0) 5841
  • 00495841
  • 0049 (0) 5841


Calling from abroad to Lüchow (Wendland)

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Lüchow (Wendland). So you can dial +495841... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Lüchow (Wendland)?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 05844
Luckau (Wendland)
Dialling Code 05883
Lemgow, Niedersachsen
Dialling Code 03901
Hansestadt Salzwedel
Dialling Code 05861
Dannenberg (Elbe)
Dialling Code 05849
Dialling Code 03901
Steinitz, Altmark
Dialling Code 05865
Langendorf, Elbe
Dialling Code 038792
Dialling Code 03901
Dialling Code 03901
Dialling Code 05845
Bergen an der Dumme
Dialling Code 05846
Gartow, Elbe
Dialling Code 039032
Mahlsdorf bei Salzwedel
Dialling Code 03901
Klein Gartz
Dialling Code 039038
Henningen bei Salzwedel
Dialling Code 03901
Benkendorf bei Salzwedel
Dialling Code 03901
Dialling Code 03902
Dialling Code 03902
Ellenberg, Altmark