Dialling Code 037421


The german phone code 037421 represents Oelsnitz (Vogtland) in Sachsen.

Oelsnitz (Vogtland)

Different spellings of the Phone Code 037421

  • 037421
  • (037421)
  • 037421-
  • 037421/
  • +4937421
  • +49 (37421)
  • +49-37421
  • +49 (0) 37421
  • 004937421
  • 0049 (0) 37421

Oelsnitz (Vogtland)


Calling from abroad to Oelsnitz (Vogtland)

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Oelsnitz (Vogtland). So you can dial +4937421... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Oelsnitz (Vogtland)?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 037434
Dialling Code 037463
Dialling Code 037434
Triebel / Vogtland
Dialling Code 03741
Plauen, Vogtland
Dialling Code 037463
Bergen bei Auerbach, Vogtland
Dialling Code 037436
Burgstein bei Plauen
Dialling Code 037463
Werda bei Auerbach, Vogtland
Dialling Code 037464
Schöneck / Vogtland
Dialling Code 037423
Adorf, Vogtland
Dialling Code 03745
Neustadt / Vogtland
Dialling Code 037433
Dialling Code 037439
Pöhl im Vogtland
Dialling Code 09294
Dialling Code 037422
Dialling Code 09281
Gattendorf, Oberfranken
Dialling Code 03745
Grünbach, Vogtland
Dialling Code 037436
Reuth bei Plauen
Dialling Code 037431
Mehltheuer, Vogtland
Dialling Code 03745
Falkenstein / Vogtland
Dialling Code 037468
Treuen, Vogtland
Dialling Code 09281
Trogen, Oberfranken
Dialling Code 037422
Erlbach, Vogtland
Dialling Code 09281
Dialling Code 03765
Limbach bei Reichenbach, Vogtland
Dialling Code 037465
Dialling Code 036621
Elsterberg, Vogtland
Dialling Code 09283
Rehau, Oberfranken
Dialling Code 03744
Auerbach / Vogtland
Dialling Code 09281
Döhlau, Kreis Hof, Saale
Dialling Code 09281
Hof an der Saale
Dialling Code 037606
Lengenfeld, Vogtland
Dialling Code 03765
Dialling Code 037432
Pausa / Vogtland