Dialling Code 034921


The area code (phone code) 034921 is assigned to 10 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Kemberg (Sachsen-Anhalt).


All places (10) with the dialling code 034921

Dialling Code City
034921 Kemberg
034921 Radis
034921 Rotta
034921 Wartenburg
034921 Dabrun
034921 Rackith
034921 Eutzsch
034921 Schleesen
034921 Selbitz bei Bitterfeld
034921 Uthausen

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 034921

  • 034921
  • (034921)
  • 034921-
  • 034921/
  • +4934921
  • +49 (34921)
  • +49-34921
  • +49 (0) 34921
  • 004934921
  • 0049 (0) 34921


Calling from abroad to Kemberg

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Kemberg. So you can dial +4934921... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Kemberg?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 034925
Meuro bei Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dialling Code 034925
Dialling Code 034927
Dialling Code 034925
Trebitz bei Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dialling Code 03491
Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dialling Code 034925
Bad Schmiedeberg
Dialling Code 034925
Pretzsch (Elbe)
Dialling Code 034926
Pretzsch Elbe
Dialling Code 034953
Dialling Code 034906
Tornau bei Gräfenhainichen
Dialling Code 034953
Tornau vor der Heide
Dialling Code 034922
Dietrichsdorf bei Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dialling Code 034922
Abtsdorf bei Wittenberg
Dialling Code 035383
Dialling Code 034904
Kakau bei Dessau
Dialling Code 034955
Gröbern bei Bitterfeld
Dialling Code 035383
Elster (Elbe)
Dialling Code 034929
Mochau bei Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dialling Code 034904
Brandhorst, Sachsen-Anhalt
Dialling Code 034904
Griesen, Sachsen-Anhalt
Dialling Code 035383
Dialling Code 034904
Dialling Code 034953