Dialling Code 02692


The area code (phone code) 02692 is assigned to 30 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Kelberg (Rheinland-Pfalz).


All places (30) with the dialling code 02692

Dialling Code City
02692 Kelberg
02692 Höchstberg, Eifel
02692 Retterath
02692 Bongard, Eifel
02692 Bodenbach, Eifel
02692 Mannebach, Eifel
02692 Lirstal
02692 Boxberg, Kreis Daun
02692 Mosbruch
02692 Kaperich
02692 Berenbach
02692 Hörschhausen
02692 Drees
02692 Neichen, Kreis Daun
02692 Oberelz
02692 Katzwinkel, Eifel
02692 Welcherath
02692 Kolverath
02692 Horperath
02692 Bereborn
02692 Kötterichen
02692 Brücktal
02692 Gelenberg
02692 Sassen, Eifel
02692 Beinhausen
02692 Borler
02692 Kirsbach
02692 Reimerath
02692 Ueß
02692 Nitz

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 02692

  • 02692
  • (02692)
  • 02692-
  • 02692/
  • +492692
  • +49 (2692)
  • +49-2692
  • +49 (0) 2692
  • 00492692
  • 0049 (0) 2692


Calling from abroad to Kelberg

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Kelberg. So you can dial +492692... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Kelberg?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 02691
Müllenbach bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02691
Dialling Code 02691
Bauler bei Barweiler
Dialling Code 02691
Dialling Code 02691
Dialling Code 06592
Gefell, Kreis Daun
Dialling Code 02691
Wimbach bei Adenau
Dialling Code 06592
Dialling Code 06592
Dialling Code 02651
Boos, Eifel
Dialling Code 02691
Dialling Code 02691
Honerath bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02651
Lind bei Mayen
Dialling Code 06592
Schönbach, Kreis Daun
Dialling Code 06592
Darscheid, Kreis Daun
Dialling Code 02657
Uersfeld, Eifel
Dialling Code 02691
Dialling Code 06592
Dialling Code 06595
Dialling Code 02691
Hoffeld, Eifel
Dialling Code 02651
Dialling Code 02691
Leimbach bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02696
Nohn, Eifel
Dialling Code 02691
Reifferscheid bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02691
Müsch bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02691
Rodder bei Adenau
Dialling Code 02651
Ditscheid bei Mayen
Dialling Code 02651
Baar, Eifel
Dialling Code 06595
Dialling Code 06593
Dialling Code 02651