Dialling Code 038872


The area code (phone code) 038872 is assigned to 12 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Rehna (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).


All places (12) with the dialling code 038872

Dialling Code City
038872 Rehna
038872 Königsfeld
038872 Utecht
038872 Holdorf bei Gadebusch
038872 Köchelstorf
038872 Rieps
038872 Groß Molzahn
038872 Dechow
038872 Vitense bei Rehna
038872 Wedendorf
038872 Nesow
038872 Thandorf

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 038872

  • 038872
  • (038872)
  • 038872-
  • 038872/
  • +4938872
  • +49 (38872)
  • +49-38872
  • +49 (0) 38872
  • 004938872
  • 0049 (0) 38872


Calling from abroad to Rehna

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Rehna. So you can dial +4938872... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Rehna?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 038828
Grieben bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 038828
Dialling Code 03881
Bernstorf bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 038828
Menzendorf bei Schönberg
Dialling Code 03881
Hanshagen bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 038876
Roggendorf bei Gadebusch
Dialling Code 038828
Groß Siemz
Dialling Code 03886
Dialling Code 038822
Diedrichshagen bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 038828
Schönberg (Mecklenburg)
Dialling Code 038828
Niendorf bei Schönberg
Dialling Code 03881
Rüting bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 03881
Dialling Code 03886
Kneese bei Gadebusch
Dialling Code 03881
Dialling Code 038871
Mühlen Eichsen
Dialling Code 038325
Dialling Code 04546
Kittlitz bei Ratzeburg
Dialling Code 04541
Mustin bei Ratzeburg
Dialling Code 03881
Warnow bei Grevesmühlen
Dialling Code 03881
Dialling Code 038874
Dialling Code 038875
Schlagsdorf bei Gadebusch
Dialling Code 08567
Dialling Code 038821
Lüdersdorf Meckl
Dialling Code 038874