Dialling Code 038753


The german phone code 038753 represents Wöbbelin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


Different spellings of the Phone Code 038753

  • 038753
  • (038753)
  • 038753-
  • 038753/
  • +4938753
  • +49 (38753)
  • +49-38753
  • +49 (0) 38753
  • 004938753
  • 0049 (0) 38753



Calling from abroad to Wöbbelin

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Wöbbelin. So you can dial +4938753... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Wöbbelin?

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Phone codes of neighboring places

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Groß Laasch
Dialling Code 03861
Dialling Code 038757
Dialling Code 03874
Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg
Dialling Code 038757
Brenz bei Neustadt-Glewe
Dialling Code 038756
Karstädt bei Ludwigslust
Dialling Code 038757
Dialling Code 038756
Grabow (Mecklenburg)
Dialling Code 03883
Strohkirchen bei Hagenow
Dialling Code 03874
Göhlen bei Ludwigslust
Dialling Code 03861
Plate, Mecklenburg
Dialling Code 03871
Dialling Code 03863
Göhren bei Schwerin
Dialling Code 03883
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Tramm bei Schwerin
Dialling Code 03874
Alt Krenzlin
Dialling Code 03883
Kirch Jesar
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Zierzow bei Ludwigslust
Dialling Code 03871
Stolpe bei Parchim
Dialling Code 03865
Holthusen bei Schwerin
Dialling Code 038755
Eldena an der Elde
Dialling Code 03874
Bresegard bei Eldena
Dialling Code 03883
Groß Krams
Dialling Code 038728
Damm bei Parchim
Dialling Code 03860
Raben Steinfeld