Dialling Code 04884


The area code (phone code) 04884 is assigned to 2 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Schwabstedt (Schleswig-Holstein).


All places (2) with the dialling code 04884

Dialling Code City
04884 Schwabstedt
04884 Fresendelf

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04884

  • 04884
  • (04884)
  • 04884-
  • 04884/
  • +494884
  • +49 (4884)
  • +49-4884
  • +49 (0) 4884
  • 00494884
  • 0049 (0) 4884


Calling from abroad to Schwabstedt

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Schwabstedt. So you can dial +494884... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Schwabstedt?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04841
Ramstedt, Nordfriesland
Dialling Code 04841
Hude bei Husum
Dialling Code 04841
Wisch, Nordfriesland
Dialling Code 04881
Seeth bei Husum
Dialling Code 04841
Winnert bei Husum
Dialling Code 04841
Dialling Code 04881
Drage, Nordfriesland
Dialling Code 04883
Dialling Code 04883
Dialling Code 04848
Rantrum bei Husum
Dialling Code 04881
Friedrichstadt an der Eider
Dialling Code 04845
Ostenfeld (Husum)
Dialling Code 04836
Dialling Code 04841
Wittbek bei Husum
Dialling Code 04885
Wohlde bei Schleswig
Dialling Code 04881
Dialling Code 04882
Sankt Annen, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04841
Südermarsch bei Husum
Dialling Code 04885
Dialling Code 04836
Schlichting, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04803
Delve, Holstein
Dialling Code 04836
Hollingstedt bei Delve
Dialling Code 04836
Kleve, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04843
Dialling Code 04836
Hennstedt / Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04836
Dialling Code 04847
Dialling Code 04836
Glüsing, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04838
Wallen, Holstein
Dialling Code 04627
Hollingstedt bei Schleswig
Dialling Code 04882
Lehe, Dithmarschen
Dialling Code 04841
Husum, Nordsee
Dialling Code 04882
Lunden, Holstein
Dialling Code 04627
Dörpstedt bei Schleswig
Dialling Code 04882
Krempel, Holstein
Dialling Code 04843
Dialling Code 04836
Dialling Code 04882
Dialling Code 04624
Börm bei Schleswig
Dialling Code 04836
Linden, Holstein