Dialling Code 04344


The area code (phone code) 04344 is assigned to 17 locations in Germany. Mainly you reach landlines in Schönberg (Holstein) (Schleswig-Holstein).

Schönberg (Holstein)

All places (17) with the dialling code 04344

Dialling Code City
04344 Schönberg (Holstein)
04344 Probsteierhagen
04344 Wendtorf
04344 Stein bei Laboe
04344 Köhn
04344 Wisch bei Kiel
04344 Barsbek
04344 Fiefbergen
04344 Krokau
04344 Prasdorf
04344 Stakendorf
04344 Lutterbek
04344 Höhndorf
04344 Krummbek, Holstein
04344 Passade
04344 Bendfeld
04344 Fahren, Holstein

Multiple spellings
Phone Code 04344

  • 04344
  • (04344)
  • 04344-
  • 04344/
  • +494344
  • +49 (4344)
  • +49-4344
  • +49 (0) 4344
  • 00494344
  • 0049 (0) 4344


Calling from abroad to Schönberg (Holstein)

Note for calls from abroad: In addition to the German country code (+49 or 0049) you can omit the foregoing zero of the dialling code for Schönberg (Holstein). So you can dial +494344... and add the number of the phone line you want to reach.

Wich place is a "must see" for a tourist in Schönberg (Holstein)?

Thank you for your tip!

Phone codes of neighboring places

Dialling Code 04384
Dialling Code 04303
Dialling Code 04381
Dialling Code 04385
Hohenfelde bei Kiel
Dialling Code 04343
Dialling Code 04303
Dobersdorf, Holstein
Dialling Code 04384
Selent, Holstein
Dialling Code 04384
Dialling Code 0431
Dialling Code 04348
Schönkirchen, Holstein
Dialling Code 04384
Lammershagen, Holstein
Dialling Code 04342
Rastorf, Holstein
Dialling Code 0431
Dialling Code 04307
Dialling Code 04349
Strande, Holstein
Dialling Code 04342
Lehmkuhlen bei Preetz
Dialling Code 04381
Behrensdorf (Ostsee)
Dialling Code 04342
Schellhorn bei Preetz
Dialling Code 04342
Preetz, Holstein
Dialling Code 04342
Pohnsdorf bei Preetz
Dialling Code 04349
Dialling Code 04381
Lütjenburg, Holstein
Dialling Code 0431
Dialling Code 04381
Helmstorf bei Lütjenburg
Dialling Code 04383
Dannau, Kreis Plön
Dialling Code 04342
Wahlstorf bei Preetz
Dialling Code 04342
Kühren bei Preetz
Dialling Code 04522
Dialling Code 0431